What to Expect at a Typical Worship Service
Note: We are currently undergoing some remodeling to better serve the community. Please pardon our mess while the crew works to better equip our building.
When you walk through the doors at New Beginnings Crestview, you’ll be met with a warm smile, a handshake or even a hug by one of our greeters. Ushers will be standing by the doors of the sanctuary to welcome you to the service and provide you with a worship flyer. They can also assist you in finding a seat for you and your family.
We offer celebration service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. Service lasts for about one hour and fifteen minutes, including announcements, greeting, worship, prayer, and a sermon. Occasionally the service also includes communion or a special presentation.
Coffee & Donuts
Head on in to our Coffee & Donut Fellowship area for a morning snack before either of the Sunday services. Provided at no cost.
Worship at New Beginnings Crestview is not a performance. Our worship team doesn’t strive to be a cover band of the latest artists; rather, they lead us in a mix of modern worship, contemporary songs, and a few of the classic hymns.
Communion is served on the second Sunday of every other month. We practice “open communion” – meaning everyone is welcome to receive communion with us as long as you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. We leave it up to the parents as to whether your child participates or not, but the same applies – if they have accepted Christ and understand what that means; they are more than welcome to join us in receiving communion.
Child care is available during service for your children in a safe and kid-friendly environment. Our Nursery is for those between birth and 2 years old, potty trained 3 – 5 year old children will love our Preschool, and Children’s Church is open to kids from 6 years old to 5th grade. You can check-in your child at the station located at the end of the main hallway and your child will wait for you in the classrooms to pick them up after service.
At New Beginnings Crestview some people wear suits, some people wear shorts and t-shirts, and some people wear sweats and sneakers. We want you to wear whatever it is that is most comfortable for you to worship and is honoring to God. Man looks at the outside but God looks at the heart.
Have more questions about what to expect at New Beginnings Crestview? Don’t hesitate to contact us!